All Chests (Armors) - 4 augmentation slots The Science cryo pod perk Innovation permanently increase the number of augmentation slots by 1. Augmentation slots are only increased for items that can utilize augmentations. Items that can't be developed and/or do not have augmentation slots do not gain an augmentation slot. Affinity Increase +10% on first augment +5% on second augment +5% on third augment; Defense Increase +10 and +1 Blessing Level per augment; Divine Blessing as a 25% chance of activating. 15% damage reduction for Level 1; 30% damage reduction for Level 2; 50% damage reduction for Level 3; This Divine Blessing doesn’t not stack with the. Lets compute it then, according to the table above, the 2nd affinity augment will actually provide you only 5 affinity, so 2 affinity augment will be 15 affinity in total, so 15 percent chance to do additional 25 percent damage. Lets multiply it to get the theoretical damage increase, and you’ll get around 3.75% increase in raw attack. Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is now out in the wild, so let’s take a look at how to upgrade your harvest box. Before starting Iceborne, it would be a good idea to complete all the quests that. You can also add a slot to the weapon, but only one Awaken Slot Upgrade can be added. If you want another slot upgrade, go for the normal Augmentation. The Awaken weapon can also gain potential level if you use it during the Saffi’jiiva Siege. If you already had a decent weapon, make sure to bring it in the Siege!
Read this Monster Hunter World: Iceborne guide to learn how to augment Master Rank weapons. Including changes, new features and augment skills, and more.
Table of Contents
Check Out What To Do After Beating Iceborne!How To Augment Master Rank Weapons
Fill Up Master Rank Weapon Augment Slots
The way you can augment weapons & armor has been changed in Iceborne. It will now cost a number of slot & will fill these up when you augment your weapon.
Augmentation Slots Per Weapon Rarity
Rarity | No. Of Slots |
Rarity 10 | 5 Slots |
Rarity 11 | 4 Slots |
Rarity 12 | 3 Slots |
Only Fully Upgraded Weapons Can Be Augmented
The same way it works in MHW, augmentation on weapons can only be done when they are fully upgraded. This means having the weapon at the end of its weapon tree.
Augmentations Now Have Augment Slot Cost
In Iceborne, all available augmentations will now have slot costs. The more augment slots your weapons have, the more augmentations you can put into it.
Master Rank Weapon Augment Slot Costs
Augment | Effects | Cost |
Extra Slots | Adds more augment slots on weapon | - |
Attack Increase | Slightly increases attack power of weapon | 3 |
Health Regen | Slightly recovers health when damaging monsters | 3 |
Slot Upgrade | Adds a Level 1 slot into weapon | 3 |
Affinity Increase | Slightly increases affinity rate of weapon | 2 |
Defense Increase | Defense is slightly increased with chance of reducing damage | 1 |
Element/Status Effect Up | Slightly increases power of elements & status effects | 1 |
Extra Slots Adds 2 More Augment Slots
When you augment your weapon with Extra Slots, you'll get 2 additional augment slots. This doesn't fill up any augment slot but costs rare materials & some Research Points.
Strengthen Master Rank Weapons With Custom Upgrades
Another new feature of Iceborne, weapons now have custom upgrades. Using specific mods, you can slightly increase specific stats of your weapon & also change their appearance. More mods are unlocked when you keep upgrading a weapon.
Custom Upgrades List
Mod | Effect |
Kulu-Ya-Ku Mod | Slightly increases affinity |
Pukei-Pukei Mod | Slightly increases elemental or status effect damage |
Barroth Mod | Slightly increase attack |
Hornetaur Mod | Slightly increases defense |
Recommended Master Rank Weapon Augments
Best Master Rank Weapon Augment Chart
Elements | Description |
Health Regen | - Reduces need to use recovery items, therefore increasing time to attack monsters |
Affinity Increase | - 2nd augment increases by 5% - Best for weapons with low affinity |
Attack Increase | - Increase depends on weapon type - Recommended for weapons with high affinity |
Slot Upgrade | - Best for weapons lacking slots |
Defense Increase | - Low priority augment as defense should be armor-focused |
Focus On Health & Affinity Augments
It's best to augment weapons with Health Regen & Affinity Increase as these work make hunting more efficient. If your chosen weapon already has a high affinity rate, it's best to use Attack Increase instead.
Choosing Between Attack Or Affinity Increase
Prioritize Weapons With Low Affinity
Having a weapon with high affinity will increase your chance of dealing critical hits & doing heavy damage so it's best to raise the affinity rate of your weapons. However, note that Affinity Increase augments have diminishing returns.
Use Attack Increase With High Affinity Weapons
If your weapon of choice already has a high affinity or cannot be augmented with Health Regen, you can opt to augment it with Attack Increase. This will strengthen your raw attack stat, making each hit more powerful!
Check Out Best Endgame Loadouts Here!About Iceborne Master Rank Weapon Augmentation
Unlocks After Main Story Of Iceborne
Augmenting Master Rank weapons will be unlocked when you complete Iceborne's main story quests. You'll gain access to the Guiding Lands after, the area where you can find most of the materials for Master Rank weapon upgrading.

WARNING! High Rank Augments Will Disappear
If you've already augmented your weapon in Monster Hunter World and decide to upgrade and augment in Master Rank, your augments will disappear. You'll get your materials back, however, augments from High Rank may be crucial in early game Master Rank.
Augments Use Monster Materials From Guiding Lands
Master Rank weapon augments don't use Streamstones anymore, however, they do cost valuable Research Points and need rare materials from the Guiding Lands - the end-game endless hunting area in Iceborne.
Check Out Guiding Lands Features Here!Last updated on October 21st, 2018
It’s time again to dive into yet another semi-secret mechanic of Monster Hunter World. Today we will be talking about augmentations for weapons. In order to augment, players must acquire a Warrior or Hero Streamstone from tempered Elder Dragon quests. Hunters have a 12% chance to obtain a Warrior Streamstone and a 3% chance to obtain a Hero Streamstone.
Augments’ Required Materials
Rarity 8
- Needs 1 Hero Streamstone and 3 Gleaming Streamstone per augment
- can only be augmented once
Attack Increase
- Needs 1 Teostra Gem
Affinity Increase
- Needs 1 Daora Gem
Defense Increase
- Needs 2 Elder Dragon Blood
Slot Upgrade
- Needs 1 Vaal Hazak Gem
Health Regen
- Needs 1 Nergigante Gem
Rarity 7
- Need 2 Warrior Streamstones and 3 Streamstone per augment.
- can be augmented twice
Attack Increase
- Needs 1 Rathalos Gem
Affinity Increase
- Needs 1 Odogaron Gem
Defense Increase
- Needs 1 Wyvern Gem

Slot Upgrade
- Needs 1 Legiana Gem
Health Regen
- Needs 1 Anjanath Gem
Rarity 6
- Needs 1 Warrior Streamstone and 3 Streamstone Shard per augment.
- can be augmented 3 times
Attack Increase
- Needs 2 Rathalos Plate
Affinity Increase
- Needs 2 Odogaron Plate
Defense Increase
- Needs 1 Bird Wyvern Gem
Slot Upgrade
- Needs 2 Legiana Plate
How To Increase Augment Slots Mhw Classic
Health Regen
- Needs 2 Anjanath Plate
Augments’ Value
Attack Increase
- +5 raw attack per augment
Affinity Increase
- +10% on first augment
- +5% on second augment
- +5% on third augment
Defense Increase
- +10 and +1 Blessing Level per augment
Divine Blessing as a 25% chance of activating
- 15% damage reduction for Level 1
- 30% damage reduction for Level 2
- 50% damage reduction for Level 3
This Divine Blessing doesn’t not stack with the decoration Divine Blessing, so avoid mixing.
Slot Upgrade
- +1 Level 1 Decoration on first augment
- Upgrades Level 1 Decoration to Level 2 on second augment
- Upgrades Level 2 Decoration to Level 3 on third augment
Health Regen
- 10% Damage dealt is recovered on first augment
- 5% Damage dealt is recovered on second augment
- 5% Damage dealt is recovered on second augment
In conclusion
How To Increase Augment Slots Mhw Slot
Ultimately, whether players choose attack or affinity, the difference between them is barely noticeable. Dibsville, a member of Fextra community, has made an excel sheet where players can see the difference between attack and affinity augments.
If you are looking for more Monster Hunter: World info, read what is inside the new Spring Blossom Festival coming out on April 6th and the contents of the Spring Update released on March 22nd for all. Alternatively, you can go in-depth with our featured guides: Attack Values & You, Monster Hunter World: The Canteen Explained With Ingredient Guide or Monster Hunter World: End Game Guide.